Bring this list of questions, a pen, and paper to write down the answers. Also, bring a copy of your pathology report. Bring a family member or a friend to accompany you for support and to help you absorb the information. Don’t be afraid to tell your physician you don’t understand information he/she has shared with you regarding your treatment options.
Why do I need this surgery?
What are my surgical options?
Is the procedure performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis?
Will I receive general or local anesthesia?
Do you recommend any treatments prior to surgery to shrink the tumor?
What is the recuperation process? How long before I can resume my normal lifestyle?
Please explain my diagnosis. What stage is my disease?
What treatments are available and appropriate for my diagnosis?
What is the cure/remission rates for this treatment?
What results do you expect?
How will you know if the treatment is working?
Are there clinical trials available?
Could the recommended treatment cause a secondary problem? (i.e., lung, heart, kidney, damage/disease, fertility problems)?
What is the time frame for me to make a decision?
What kinds of test will be done on my tumor?
How will the test results affect my treatment options?
Is my breast cancer hormone receptive positive (estrogen and/ or progesterone receptor positive)?
Will this affect my treatment options?
Please explain my Pathology Report.
How will the chemotherapy be given?
How many treatments will I receive?
What are the side effects of chemotherapy?
Will these side effects last a long time?
What do you recommend to manage the side effects of chemotherapy?
After I finish chemotherapy, what kind of follow up care will I receive?
Are there any long- term effects?
What is the goal of this treatment?
Is it to eliminate the cancer?
What are the chances that this treatment will prevent the cancer from coming back?
What are the potential side effects of this treatment? (long- and short-term side effects especially to the heart, lung, spinal cord, esophagus)
What do you recommend for managing the side effects of the radiation treatment? Will I burn?
How can I ease the side effects?
How is the radiation given? (what method will be used)?
How is the radiation planned in order to limit the radiation to the heart, lungs, spinal cord and other critical structures?
How often will I receive radiation therapy?
What is the duration of each treatment, and what is the course of radiation?
If I decide to have the reconstructive surgery, how would radiation therapy affect my treatment plans?
Will this treatment affect my fertility in the future?
How will this treatment affect my daily life?
Will I be able to work, exercise, and preform my usual activities?
Am I a candidate for breast reconstruction?
What types of breast reconstruction are available? Which type(s) am I a candidate for?
What are the disadvantages and advantages of each type?
How will my other treatments (i.e., chemotherapy and radiation) affect my reconstruction?
Will the reconstruction match my other breast?
How will the reconstructed breast feel?
Will I need to have surgery again in the future?
How will weight change or pregnancies affect the reconstruction?
How and when can the nipple and areola be reconstructed?
What are the costs involved with breast reconstruction?
Will my insurance cover the surgery?
Tell me about your training and experience with reconstruction. (Are you board certified?
How many cases do you do a year?)
Do you recommend hormonal treatment and why?
What type of hormonal treatment is best for me and why?
When will I start the hormonal treatment and how long will I need to take the hormonal treatment?
How will the hormonal treatment be given?
What are the side effects of hormonal treatment?
Will they last a long time? What do you recommend for managing the side effects of hormonal treatment?
Will I need follow up care after hormonal treatment and if so for how long?